Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Vertical Blind Carrier Parts

Vidre Joaquin Rodrigo (1901-1999) .


bull does not know you and the fig tree,
nor horses nor the ants in your house.
not know you, your silent memory
because you have died forever.

not know you, the back of the stone, nor the black satin
which you crumble.
not know you, your silent memory
because you have died forever.

The autumn will come with snails, misty grapes and
clustered hills,
but no one will watch your eyes
because you have died forever.

Because you have died for ever, like all the dead
like all
dead who are forgotten in a heap of lifeless dogs.

Nobody knows you. No. But I sing.
I sing for your profile and your grace.
maturity of your understanding.
your appetite for death and the taste of your mouth.

The sadness of your courageous joy.
take a long time to be born, if born, an Andalusian
so clear, so rich in adventure.
I sing his elegance in words that moan
and I remember a sad breeze through the olive trees.

Federico García Lorca, 1935


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