EXOPOLITICS (The lies of the Exopolitics in La Rosa de los Vientos Onda Cero this Saturday night)
22 years ago this week that I had my baptism of fire. He had been several months with my recorder and camera doing interviews here and there, but the February 2, 1988 a fireball crossed the peninsula. I went in search of evidence, I conducted my first speech in radio and wrote my first stories. It was, in short, my "other" birthday. If before that date and had almost no doubt, from then on were much less about what I wanted to do as they spend in the future. I was not the only one who lived a similar path, all a generation of us who have been four or five at most-opted for the same on those dates. We are not only fascinated by the UFO enigma but we had a true spirit search and reflective. And in some ways, those days seemed to present in relation to a mystery which remains a challenge unparalleled intellectual and scientific.
was in those last years of the eighties when, after several years of information vacuum that actually spend very little new when it emerged that many people interested in a server, while "resurrected" UFO sightings and information in this regard. Moreover, in those days came in the United States a series of information associated with something that became known as the Matrix Report. That "book" (actually, an unordered set of false and exaggerated) and basically argued that the world's major governments had made contact with beings from other worlds since the mid-twentieth century. Meanwhile, today, and after another period of relative drought are also emerging information-similar or nearly identical information to the proposals in the Matrix but now known under the name of Exopolitics.
However, there is a clear difference between these two phenomena "media." At that time, who were in the orbit of UFO research, I go a few exceptions, did not give as valid the Matrix Report. Hardly anyone raised that this might be valid Despite the penetration Matrix approaches have in certain sectors, and scholars from a social-psychological faced the issue, trying to figure out why permeated beliefs, who was behind this madness, of that silly, and why. With time and research scholars came out almost the whole truth, a truth that did not clarify anything about the enigma in itself, but it was The Matrix, which proved to be a ploy to discredit very well designed and in which even saw two people linked to intelligence. The approach was then compared to the Matrix was purely intellectual. But now, with the appearance of the Exopolitics nothing has happened that, despite modern technology, with internet in front would be a valid tool to remove every aspect of Exopolitics. Has been the opposite: the Internet has become a one-way speaker, which, some with mystical warrior spirit, even acted as disseminators of a hidden truth about which there is no evidence or will be, because that 'truth' does not exist. Neither
exopolitics approaches are valid. Absolutely nothing is true, however much it has gained enormous popularity ... And all that is achieved is exopolitics discredit an issue that is a fascinating challenge to all levels. Exopolitics why not ufology, but only an element to be studied for its media and social influence. While exopolitics continue to have spread, all, and many of the valid information on the UFO enigma will be subject to vilification.
In order to clarify many terms related to this issue, Onda Cero, the program La Rosa de los Vientos, this Saturday, February 6 will do a special in the monograph with Jesus Callejo and Carlos Canales to explain what exopolitics after that many listeners have asked us about it.
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